Check us out on You Tube @labaronspowersports

  • Ready to Ride?

    Nestled amidst the rolling landscape lies the ultimate motocross sanctuary, an adrenaline-fueled haven for beginners eager to master the art of dirt biking. The track, a simple and effective design, sprawls across acres of terrain, and will offer a thrilling array of jumps, berms, and challenging turns.

  • We did it!

    The track is 100% Approved and we are past the planning process. We are now in the building stage. We are currently raising money to finish the track and set up our parking area. We are projected to open spring of 2024. Our riding season will be from May until October. Our tentative schedule is posted now.

  • Thank You!

    We are very grateful for the support we've received from the community at large. Our customers are truly amazing, and we can't thank them enough. A big thanks also goes out to our employees. We appreciate all of them. Past and Present. This dream has been years in the making, and now it's becoming a reality!